Law Office Clouds Legal Applications as a Service (LAaaS), created exclusively for attorneys and law offices, hosts your Time Matters case management software, email, documents and other law office applications on the Microsoft Cloud.
Now your firm will be able to enjoy the convenience of Time Matters fast and easy access from anywhere on any device, all while eliminating the frustration of installing, managing and maintaining software and hardware.
Time Matters combines contact, document, and matter management functionalities with tools for keeping track of billable hours and creating client billing statements. Law Office Clouds LAaaS will help your law office benefit from all aspects of Time Matters, including the document automation and management features of the application. Watch how your firm’s profitability and efficiency increase while using our cloud hosted services.
Law Office Clouds employs Lexis-Nexis certified Time Matters consultants and with over 20 years experience migrating legal specific applications, can seamlessly migrate your application to the Microsoft Cloud.
Call (800) 928-8781 to speak to a certified Time Matters consultant and request a demonstration.